Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Khmer Iggy and Zaida and Isi

Khmer Iggy and Zaida and Isi

Khmer Iggy recently met an amazing and inspiring couple -- Zaida and Isi -- who are both from Barcelona, Spain. They are touring cyclists and are 18months into a world tour. We met them through a website called, which my husband joined after finishing his own cycling tour of Western Europe.

Zaida and Isi stayed with us for 5days. As hosts, we provided them a place to sleep, warm meals, and the most elusive luxury, a warm shower! In return, we get to hear of their travels and see photos of them, the places they've been to and people they've met along the way. We ooh-ed and aah-ed at their African adventures, dealing with corrupt policemen and surviving the wide expanse of Namibian desert to cross the border to Zambia. They have a site for their journey called Africa y Asia...en Bicicleta. You can also find the translated page here.

Khmer Iggy and I were awed at the thought of traveling all over the world by bicycle, and meeting face to face this couple who are doing something remarkable is HUGE. When they left, we were all feeling a bit jealous. Someone once said, "its not the things in life you do that you come to regret but the things you don't do". We want to do something like this. We are hoping that an opportunity to see the world by bicycle will come soon.


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