Friday, January 22, 2010

Shopping Online Is “Green”

Shopping Online Is “Green”

I learned something tonight that I find very interesting. has info about green shopping that impressed me once I read it. I never really considered the fact that shopping online can have a better impact on the environment, but apparently it's true. Carnegie Mellon University recently conducted a study that says shopping online not only consumes less energy, but shopping online reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 35% versus shopping in a regular brick & mortar store.

I do a lot of shopping online, and I shop a lot through  After reading that info I wasn’t surprised to read that takes things one step further to reduce emissions by eliminating some of the steps it takes to move product from the warehouse to the consumer.  The more I think about it the happier I am that I do most of my shopping online.  Not only can I save money in a lot of cases, but I’m helping out the environment without even knowing it!

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