Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tiger's Wood: Woops!

Tiger's Wood: Woops!
Inspired by my new friend over at Jayne's World and her Sunday Recap post, I thought I'd do a little Mish-Mash of My Own Musings...

This morning I put cumin in my coffee instead of cinnamon. I took a sip and thought, ok, I can do this. I took another and said, um, no I can't. Last week I put the coffee on and stood there bleary-eyed and when it was done, I realized I hadn't put any coffee in there. I think I have a few things on my mind.

I've been super busy with school - creating & updating course modules and then standing up to teach them. I finished my first video course module on Thursday and other than a few perfectionist changes, I like it very much. We'll see what the students think of this grand experiment when they see it this week.

I promised in my last post that I'd tell you about the pumpkin clusterf*ck I made for Thanksgiving. It could be a whole post in itself, so we'll see if I get it done by next Thanksgiving.

Tomorrow I pick up my friend K and her little daughter P at the airport. I'm very excited. They're coming in to Paris for a few weeks to celebrate Christmas and New Years with me. They've never been out of the US except to Mexico, so it will be so cool to show them around Paris. After 4 years living with Ebenezer Scrooge, it will be fun for me to once again have a tree and celebrate a holiday I've always loved, with people I love. I've been itching to get a tree and decorate, but am waiting for their arrival so we can all do it together. Now, if I could just get Santa to make an appearance...

My illustrious government is getting closer and closer to finalizing the healthcare bill and killing my grandmother. I would be very worried about this, except she's already dead. Whew. I wonder where they'll be setting up the new death panels? Will we all have to make an appointment at our local town hall and defend ourselves in front of The Socialists? I can see all of us pleading, "Please let me live, Mr. Marx! I still have so much to contribute to the world." Well, all of you will be pleading. I'll be enjoying The Socialists' medicine over here in France. So far, based on all the grandmothers I see out on the streets, they haven't implemented death panels. I'm sure it will start any moment, based on what Sarah Palin has been telling us.

Tiger Woods is getting crucified in the press. I imagine they'll set up impeachment proceedings at any moment, and start inspecting cum stains and soggy cigar butts for evidence. All the righteous funda-mental-ist Krishtians will rise up in indignation about that black boy who has the balls (and very large cock, of course) to fuck white wimmens and models. How very stereotypical of him. Thank The Lourd there's no black boy in the White House, or we'd be witnessing flagrant rapaciousness upon the well-groomed White House lawns and atop George Washington's desk and even the satanic growth of watermelons and pig's feet in the White House garden. What's that? Oh. Woops!

Meanwhile, back at The Family C-Street ranch, David Vitter is fucking prostitutes and wearing diapers inflagrante (no, that's not a flaming French dish, and from what I hear, she wasn't either), Mark Sanford receives a get-outa-jail-free card as his wife divorces him so that he can run off with his Argentinian paramour. But it's true, tear-inducing love, dontcha know, so that excuses everything. Nevadan son-of-a-casino-owner (or son of a something else) and silver-haired (and evidently -tongued) John Ensign gets one-upped by the cuckolded husband of his fuckee. Woops! Chip Pickering got into a Pickering Pickle, also too. Chip n' Mark n' John all voted to impeach Clinton, so I'm sure they will vote to impeach themselves at any moment. Oh, and we can't forget Conservative California Republican Michael Duvall's bragging to embarrassed colleagues (on tape! how unfortunate...for us) about his girlfriend's dripping, cum-filled eye-patch undies. What a Panty Pirate he turned out to be! Yo ho ho and a bottle of Yum!

These are the conservative Krishtian white guys whose peccadilloes get a smattering of press coverage and who stay snugly in office so they can fight to the death to "preserve marriage" by denying the civil rights of gay people to marry. And where is the Krishtian outrage at their behavior? Uh. Nowhere. Because, of course (Lisa slaps forehead), all they have to do is say they're sorry (very very sorry) and they're forgiven! This all makes a lot of sense to me, as I'm sure it does to you.

Ahhh, I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

Speaking of Woops! (Back there, a few paragraphs, I said it. A couple of times. Pay attention now, children.) I was packed like a sardine in the Metro the other morning and when the door miraculously closed without cutting off anybody's body parts, the train lurched to a start and threw a woman into me. She said, "Woops!" and she was French. I didn't expect this. I expected Oop-lah! She must be tainted by foreigners. Any moment now, she'll be watering down her coffee.

I'm just noticing that I said f*ck when referring to pumpkins and fuck when referring to politicians. It must mean that I feel more respect for pumpkins than for politicians. I'm sure this surprises you. I also just realized that I wrote about politics and religion in my Life And Times Of Lisa Wines blog, which is a no-no. I try to separate church and state from my sordid life, I really do. But I have failed, just as my government's representatives do on a daily basis. Oop-lah!

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