Friday, January 22, 2010

The Jet Set Body: Part 1

The Jet Set Body: Part 1
It's seems like the whole world is always chasing 5-15 lbs. When is the last time you hear someone say, honestly, I love my current weight and how my body looks? I'm not sure I've ever heard someone say that! Even the sexiest bodies always want to improve something.

It’s seems like the whole world is always chasing 5-15 lbs. When is the last time you hear someone say, honestly, I love my current weight and how my body looks? I’m not sure I’ve ever heard someone say that! Even the sexiest bodies always want to improve something.


Millions of people every day use Google to search for the secrets to obtaining the perfect body. In fact, when doing research for this blog I came across something really interesting, however not very shocking. The word “diet plan” is searched 246,000 times a month (according to Google Keyword). Sounds like a lot right? These people are looking for the best diet plans to help them control their food intake and finally loose that weight for good. But, let’s be honest, we are in the age of instant information, instant coffee, drive through, immediate online tech support, download now and we want, what we want NOW! So, I checked how many times the word “diet pills” is searched… the result 1,500,000!!! And “diet pill” is 1,000,000!!!! That’s right, this shows that we have the “I don’t want to work for it, I want it now and even though it took me years to gain this 30, 40 or 100 pounds, I want it off TODAY, damn it!” mentality. Who wants to work hard, eat right and exercise when you can just take that magic little pill?

I’m the first one to admit that I’m always chasing a few pounds, but I know that a magic pill is not the answer. There is no magic formula or quick fix. Achieving the body that you’re after is all about hard work and dedication.

Here is my personal, recent weight gain & loss journey:

Unfortunately, traveling as often as Rob and I makes eating perfectly healthy and exercising a challenge. So, after spending almost a month dining on the French Riviera’s delicious, and often very rich cuisine, not to mention sampling an insane amount of local wine, we definitely packed a few on. After stepping on the scale post-French Riviera, we decided that with a 3 1/2 month long hiatus before our next trip, we had the perfect amount of time to get that fresh burrata and goat cheese off our booties. We committed together to following a 90 day diet and exercise routine, just as we have in the past, we decided to use the P90X system. Now, my degree is in Exercise Science, so I’m not new to this. Actually, Rob and I met in the gym. But for me, P90X just hits all the components of physical fitness and I love it. No, I don’t work for Beach Body, I’m not a coach or affiliate. I just LOVE to pass on the this that I love to help others!

Cheese in French Riviera

The Proof: Fresh Burratta, Bread & Wine

As we began our 90 diet & exercise plan, I thought, WTF, how did I let this happen? I used to win fitness competitions!!! I used to have a rockin’ body! Damn the cheese! Then, my husband in his infinite wisdom said, “You have 3 months, why don’t you compete again? Is there a show you could do?” At first, I dismissed the idea and began listing all of my excuses:

  • I haven’t competed in Fitness America in six years.
  • I’m too old (30 years old, yep, almost out of the regular division!)
  • It’ll be to constraining.
  • I won’t be able to train enough.
  • Blah, blah, blah, blah…..blah.

At the end of my rant, Rob said “Are you done with excuses? You can do this. I’ll do it with you, every step of the way. Except the part about being in a bikini on stage. That one I’ll leave to you.” I checked the Fitness America website and saw that the Ms. Bikini America Championships were only 14 weeks away. The name of the show is funny, yes, Ms. Bikini America, but I assure you, this is no Hooters Girl contest. These women are beautiful, smart, they are athletes and the competition is fierce!

Usually, I start at 12 weeks prior to showtime, but with the frommage of the French Riviera, two extra weeks of training and diet sounded like a gift from the heavens. With Rob’s support, I committed to stopping the excuses and making the commitment to be on stage in a tiny, tiny two piece in 14 weeks. Truth be told, I immediately felt a rush of excitement, but the anxiety made my stomach a little queasy. I’d have to get over it, because now, I was committed!

I’ve decided to put myself out there with this blog. This is not a narcissistic ploy for attention. My goal is to show you that even jet setters can go from muffin top to rockin’ hot! I hope this inspires you (if you need it) and gives you ideas of how to change your body (if you want them). I will be posting my before and after, but only once I achieve the final result. Who wants to just put the fat pic up?!!! Not me!!!!

Here is a sample of my diet & exercise starting 14 Weeks from Showtime:

**Note: This plan is my personal plan, not a prescription for anyone else!

Meal 1: 1/2c. Oatmeal with a scoop of Dessert Whipped Vanilla Protein Powder, 1/2 Grapefruit

Meal 2: 4 Egg Whites (hard boiled)

Meal 3: 4 oz. Rotisserie Chicken, 1 small Sweet Potato, Spinach

Meal 4: Dessert Whipped Vanilla Protein Shake, 1 tsbp Peanut Butter (blended with water & ice)

Meal 5: 4 oz White Meat Grnd Turkey Burger, 1/2c. Brown Rice, Asparagus

  • 3/4 -1 gallon Water every day
  • No alcohol (have taken 1 sip from Rob’s wine 2-3 times)
  • No Sugar or Cheat Day (lets be honest, I had a 1 month long cheat day, no need for me at this point!)
  • 6 days of P90X & 5 Days of 30 Precor Elliptical

As of this week I am officially half-way to my show date. I am  7 weeks out from my show exactly.

To date I have the following results:

Overall Weight Loss: 8.5 lbs

Chest: lost 2″

Waist (smallest part): lost 2″

Ab (this is that muffin top, love handle area): lost 4.5″

Hip (widest part of the booty): lost 1″

Thigh: lost 1″

Arm: lost 1″

This is only Part 1 of 3. S0, stay tuned….


It’s seems like when someone isn’t thinking about their body or weight they’re thinking about their wallet!

We’re getting ready to release more information on our new product Jet Set Money, so make sure you get on the early alert list today! Click Here.


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