Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Helping Bobby Find His Muse So He Can Live a Jet Set Life

Helping Bobby Find His Muse So He Can Live a Jet Set Life
I received a question last week (by video which I thought was very cool) and decided to answer it here in the blog. Bobby is struggling with a lot of the same issues that many people are such as how do I find that thing that's going to make me money to live the life I want? I don't have a bunch of time to go into great detail in this blog, because I'm literally on the way out the door to leave for Italy for Xmas and New Year (here's where we're going). But, I did want to answer a few points.

What If I Don’t Have Anything I’m Super Passionate About?
Great question! I speak a lot about doing what you love and monetizing it. But, what if you just dont’t have anything that you are ‘over the top nuts’ about? Here’s what I would do. There is a great guy named Adam Short who runs a site called Niche Profit Classroom. The reason why I’m recommending this for you is because his system is entirely neutral as far as whether or not you love a particular niche. It’s entirely based on math. The math is very clear and very easy. I interviewed him for Jet Set Money and was super impressed. His program has over 150 videos (there short and amazing). If you didn’t want to sign up for his program you could start by getting on his email list and he’ll send you a bunch of free videos that are of very high quality and content. After I did my interview with him I created a niche site based on his system- My Positano Weddding.
Full Disclosure: This is my affiliate link if you sign up I get paid- Niche Profit Classroom
Here’s Another Option:
John Jonas has a site called Replace Myself. John is a HUGE Four Hour Work Week guy. He uses many of the same principals that Adam uses in the Niche Profit Classroom but has one major twist. His program is solely designed for your outsourcers to run everything. John is the really deal and a totally cool honest, ethical guy. I currently have my two outsourcers taking his training and have had great results and a bunch of free time.
Full Disclosure: This is my affiliate link if you sign up i get paid- Replace Myself
One More Option:
There’s this great guy named Robert Murgatroyd who owns a website called Jet Set Life….that was fun! Lat year I got really frustrated listening to all these people bragging about how much money they were making on line and decided to do something about. I decided to interview the leaders in online business (interviewing is how I personally learn best) and ask thm how they did it. I created a program that has 12 modules and goes right to the core to make this work (with or without having a passion for your niche0.
Full Disclosure: This is my own link if you sign up  I will DEFINITELY get paid: Jet Set Money

I received a question last week (by video which I thought was very cool) and decided to answer it here in the blog.  Bobby is struggling with a lot of the same issues that many people are such as how do I find that thing that’s going to make me money to live the life I want?  I don’t have a bunch of time to go into great detail in this blog, because I’m literally on the way out the door to leave for Italy for Xmas and New Year (here’s where we’re going).  But, I did want to answer a few points.

What If I Don’t Have Anything I’m Super Passionate About?

Great question!  I speak a lot about doing what you love and monetizing it.  But, what if you just don’t have anything that you are ‘over the top nuts’ about?  Here’s what I would do.  There is a great guy named Adam Short who runs a site called Niche Profit Classroom.  The reason why I’m recommending this for you is because his system is entirely neutral as far as whether or not you love a particular niche.  It’s entirely based on math.  The math is very clear and very easy.  I interviewed him for Jet Set Money and was super impressed.  His program has over 150 videos (they’re short and amazing).  If you didn’t want to sign up for his program you could start by getting on his email list and he’ll send you a bunch of free videos that are of very high quality and content.  After I did my interview with him I created a niche site based on his system- My Positano Wedding.

Full Disclosure:  This is my affiliate link, if you sign up I get paid- Niche Profit Classroom

Here’s Another Option:

John Jonas has a site called Replace Myself.  John is a HUGE Four Hour Work Week guy.  He uses many of the same principals that Adam uses in the Niche Profit Classroom, but has one major twist.  His program is solely designed for your outsourcers to run everything.  John is the real deal and a totally cool, honest and ethical guy.  I currently have my two outsourcers taking his training and have had great results and a bunch of free time.

Full Disclosure:  This is my affiliate link, if you sign up I get paid- Replace Myself

One More Option:

There’s this great guy named Robert Murgatroyd who owns a website called Jet Set Life.…that was fun!  Last year I got really frustrated listening to all these people bragging about how much money they were making online and decided to do something about.  I decided to interview the leaders in online business (interviewing is how I personally learn best) and ask them how they did it.  I created a program that has 12 modules and goes right to the core to make this work (with or without having a passion for your niche).

Full Disclosure:  This is my own link, if you sign up  I will DEFINITELY get paid: Jet Set Money

Hope that helps.


If anyone is in Florence, Italy over the holidays shoot me an email to connect at:

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