Monday, December 28, 2009

Now That's What I Call "Fair and Balanced!"

Now That's What I Call "Fair and Balanced!"
I’ve written here several times about the continuing problem of grade crossing accidents … cars and trucks being hit by trains where the tracks cross a road or highway.

Almost every day there is news of someone being killed. Usually it’s when they try to beat the train to the crossing and often they drive past the flashing lights and clanging bell and around the gates … and into the path of the train.

I came across this photograph the other day. How in the hell did the driver of that truck manage to get himself into such a fix?? Certainly not without doing something awfully dumb.

When these incidents occur, the story is always about how the Amtrak train slammed into a car or truck . Once … just once … I’d like to see a news report that accurately summarizes what really happened. For instance ...

"A damn fool was killed today when he drove around a gate and into the path of an Amtrak train."

Yeah ... that's more like it!

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