Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Weekend and Mom

Weekend and Mom

Sign, originally uploaded by JR-Mississippi.

The above photo was taken a week ago in Central Park. I have had a pretty busy week, so I haven't had a chance to go out and taken many photos.

How nice was it to wake up and not have to teach my kindergarten class. I was going to sleep super late today, but was woken up by a delivery guy dropping off something that JJ had ordered. I spent the morning packing and getting ready for our trip to Gangwondo. We are taking off about 10pm tonight. We are going to stay in a pension near the casino. I really have no idea what we are going to do, but it should be fun and I hope to get a lot of great photos.

I just got a call from my father. It seems that my mom has been put in the hospital for a spleen related problem. This was not what I was expecting when he called. I know that she hasn't been feeling well lately and know that I will be praying hard for her to get well soon. She disagrees with me, but I still say that it is stress. According to my parents, she will be released tomorrow morning. I will be looking forward to receiving the call letting me know that they have put her on some antibiotics and that she will released. It sounds like the hospital is not given her the best attention and I hope that either she will be released or transferred. This is one of those times that I really wish I was back in the States. I don't care so much about missing big events like birthdays, weddings and holidays, but I really hate not being at home when something like this happens..This was taken when my parents were in Korea last year. I really can't wait for the next 3 months to fly by, so that I can be back at home with all my family.

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