The following is guest post by Jonny Gibaud of
Hey Everybody,
We have been getting some amazing letters since we’ve been here in France – mostly congratulating us on our new product, but there was one letter in particular that really stood out for me. I thought it was so cool that I asked him if I could post it and write a blog about it. He agreed and here it is. Enjoy!
Hi Robert and Kimberly,
I think you guys are awesome and are very inspiring people. Thank you, I wish you all the best in whatever you do.
You have inspired me to take a year out and pursuit the Jet Setting lifestyle starting with a 3 month stint in Thailand, then off to the Philippines and up through Vietnam. I have a few ventures I will be pursuing while away including an Emergecy Food Storage business that can and is currently run from a laptop.
I am going to be documenting the experience through my blog JetSetEntrepreneur (hope you don’t mind the name) so who knows, maybe our paths will cross.
I will continue to be following you guys. Have a great life.
Its 3.11am as I write this post from a small farm building outside Athlone around an hour and a half’s drive from Dublin, Ireland. I have just made it back from the festival and fireworks that conclude the annual Tri-Fest here. Over the weekend thousands of competitors, of varying degrees of fitness, have competed in the town’s Triathlon to pit their strength against 2km of swimming, 40 km of cycling and 10km of running. This year a local lad , Sean Keane, came from the back to win the elite mens race in an impressive 1 hour 45 minutes. Some pictures from the event are posted on my blog at
I have been kindly asked by Robert to write a guest post for Jet Set Life describing a philosophy that was inspired by the likes of Robert and Kimberly of “Jet Set Life” and others such as Tim Ferriss of “The four hour workweek”.
The self coined Jet Set Entrepreneurship.
Who am I?
I am a 24 year old entrepreneur from Liverpool in the Uk. I studied Industrial Design at university and previously had a design company called Nurtur which developed Mini BioSpheres named enu’s that encouraged school kids to learn about the ecology lifecycle. These are still being used in many schools across the Uk. I closed that company in 2008 in order to pursuit a career in Project Management with the Swiss Engineering company Sulzer. This went great for 18 months and I got to travel a fair bit, but the call of the entrepreneur was too great and so I handed in my notice and gave up my high paying and high position job in order to once again pursuit the life of an entrepreneur, this time as a jet setter.
So what is a Jet Set Entrepreneur?
By employing the effects of currency leveraging and combining them with the power of the internet for mass communication and outsourcing, Jet Set Entrepreneurs move their business out from the traditional office setting and structure and focus on a more exciting balance to business and lifestyle design abroad.
Jet Set Entrepreneurship vs traditional entrepreneurship.
Traditional entrepreneurship fundamentally focuses on having an office or base, filling that office or base with people in order to realize your idea and then trying to drive customers to your business/idea through direct advertising. The overheads associated with this approach are very high, usually requiring hefty bank loans and severely reduces the lifestyle quality of the entrepreneur as 14-16 hour days are typical and the risks are great.
The main focus of Jet Setting Entrepreneurship is on setting up and running low investment, non leveraged, cash generating ventures that are removed from an office, are run by temporary staff from around the world and focus on carefully benchmarked and targeted internet marketing. These can all be overseen on the move from a laptop anywhere in the world and are core to freeing up the entrepreneur’s most valuable asset, their time, so that the can enjoy the adventure.
JSE focuses on five core concepts in order to cut the business fat and create lean, mean, cash generating machines that are free from the main constraints of typical business practice and give the entrepreneur the time and financial freedom to explore the world.
1. Reducing overhead drastically by moving or traveling to where living costs are low.
2. Using the power of the internet and outsourcing principles to remove the need to have an office and permanent high cost staff.
3. Outsourcing business activities to where labour costs are low, therefore, drastically reducing the cash flow burden.
4. Moving advertising solely online where customer targeting can be much more effective and flexible, and costs vs results can be effectively benchmarked.
5. Streamlining and automating their businesses so that the entrepreneur is removed from the business equation as soon as possible.
The Jet Set Entrepreneur 12 month trial
Starting September 11th 2009 I will be flying out to begin a 12 month experiment into the practicalities of Jet Set Entrepreneurship with the aim of continuing it indefinitely if successful.
The journey starts with a 3 month stint in Thailand moving on to the Philippines and up through Vietnam with plans for Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Argentina in the new year.
I will be documenting every aspect of my journey through with advice and tips to inspire and encourage anyone interested in giving it a go. For those not interested in becoming a JSE there will be plenty of articles on lifestyle and business design, travel, living abroad and productivity as well as photos and videos from the road.
If you have enjoyed the Jet Set life, which I am sure you have, then I encourage you to check it out.
My thanks goes out to Robert and Kimberly for generously giving me a platform to describe Jet Set Entrepreneurship, for the inspiration and for the excellent material they produce at Jet Set Life. I am sure you’ll agree we have all been inspired by these two great trend setters and I know we can expect to see more great material in the future. All the best to you both.
To all Jet Set Life’s readers, thanks for reading and I hope you will join me on my journey.
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