Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wanna Know What I've Been Up To?

Wanna Know What I've Been Up To?
For those of you who follow me and are wondering what I've been up to, I wanted to let you know that I'm entertaining my friend K and her 3-year-old P at my tiny apartment here in Paris. She wanted a way to record her first trip to Europe, so I showed her how to blog. She's writing about what we do every day, if she can find the time to sit down and do it, with pictures and videos that we've both taken. I'm hoping that you will visit her blog at and encourage her with comments, etc. She's a bright person and a brave person - a single mom and a former high-tech recruiter and excellent sales person who lost her job AND is a recent cancer survivor. I'm grateful that she's living in my condo in Arizona while she looks for a job and tries to get her life back in order. This means my condo doesn't sit empty while I sit out this terrible downturn in our economy. It also means that she and her child are safe and cozy while she finds her way. She's a testament to public-option health care, since she would not be here if not for the fact that Arizona has a good public plan (called Access). When I think about why I pay taxes, I think of her.

I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas or holiday and may we all look forward to a New Year full of love, joy, health and community. Without our friends, close and far away, we are adrift. I'm grateful for all of you that I've met along the blogging way, who have delighted me with your own writing, and inspired me to write some more. Much love to you and your families in this holiday season.

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