Last time you heard from me I was freaking out over the possibility of my doctor having to induce me in a couple weeks due to the fact that I might be developing preeclampsia. Well surprise!
We didn’t make it a couple weeks at all. I ended up in the hospital that very night, and I was induced the next day. Little Miss Elliana Grace arrived on Saturday October 24 via an emergency c-section at 12:11pm. At birth she weighed a whopping 4lbs 5oz and was 17 1/2 inches long.
Of course you know that means I didn’t have time to get any of my reviews together. In fact a lot of things went wrong right there at the last minute, so I actually ended up in the hospital for 9 days.
Until today I’ve done almost nothing except sleeping to recoup and taking care of Elliana, but my doctor cleared me for any physical activity today. That means now that I’m getting into a pattern I’ll definitely be getting back to my reviews, and boy do I have some to write up.
Hubby carried my computer into the living room and we set it back up with my LCD TV as the monitor so I can hang out in the living room all day. I've got Elliana setup here in her bassinet, and it makes everything a lot easier for me. Now I just have to get to work reviewing all these baby items that came pouring in thanks to all our wonderful family and friends. My baby shower just happened to be the day after I delivered, so we ended up receiving almost everything we needed to bring our little girl home. If it weren't for the shower we wouldn't have been ready at all considering we thought we had another month to work with here.
Anywho I’ll try to start taking photos and writing up some of these reviews in the free time I have. That time may be limited, but I’m already starting to see it is more time than I was originally anticipating that I’d have with a newborn.
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