Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lots To Do Today!

Lots To Do Today!
Sometime between jumping up and down thankful my aunt is finally having the dead tree in her yard chopped down and taking my shots (and donating) to the Boobie-Thon I have to find time to pick more grapes today.

We have so many grapes and scuppernongs that we honestly don't know what we're going to do with them all this year. We've had people stopping by like crazy to help us pick them all, but they're still hanging in bunches. I managed to get outside a couple days ago to take some photos of what's left, and we still have tons that are going to rot if I don't do something about them.



I know exactly what I'm going to do with as many of them as I can pick. I'm going to freeze as many as I can, and I'm going to make as much grape and scuppernong jelly as I can. Not only will this help me offer healthier choices to my daughter, but it'll help Hubby and I on our quest to get and stay healthy. I can search out weight loss pills that work for us, or I can take the few extra steps needed to keep us on a healthy diet with the options that are already free and readily available to us in our backyard.

I absolutely love scuppernong and muscadine jelly, so now is my chance to try my hand at making it. I've got my Grandma's recipe in hand, and I'm ready to spend the day picking and extracting juice. I know I don't have nearly enough jars to make my jelly today, but I can freeze the juice and make the jelly whenever I have time.

I keep saying I want to make sure I feed my daughter the most organic foods I can, but I know once she's here that'll be easier said than done. The prices of organic foods in the grocery store is outrageous, and I'm very thankful to have such an abundance of fruits surrounding me. Between the pears, grapes, scuppernongs, pecans, apples, and figs in our yard alone I have no excuse for my I can't feed my child healthy and preservative free foods.

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