Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Most Driving Distractions for Men and Women

Most Driving Distractions for Men and Women
1. In the recent survey done by American Automobile Association (AAA) to 2501 people aged 16 and older, the study showed that 95% of samples said texting while driving is completely or somewhat unacceptable. That is 5% more than people who rated people driving after drinking alcohol as a serious threat to their safety. In my opinion, the result is shocking since for many years, drinking alcohol is the top hazard to the drivers in United States.

2. Meanwhile, in the other survey done by LeaseTrader.com to 3000 drivers, men and women, to see the top most driving distraction, 18.3% of men agreed that road rage frustration is the major distraction while for women, kids in their car is the most distracted ones.

3. While this survey has been conducted in US, it is not necessarily represents people in Malaysia since we have very different in culture, society and religions believe. However, for us, it is good thing to know and a value-added to our current driving and road issues which I think worse than them. Hehe.

Resource: Chicago Now

Source: miros-road-safety.blogspot.com

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