Sunday, December 27, 2009

One Month Milestone

One Month Milestone
On our way to her MRII'm having a hard time believing my little girl will be 1 month old this weekend. It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. We were so overwhelmed with everything involved with being a new parent, and I thought for sure I was going to have a mental breakdown by the end of that first week without the hospital nurses to turn to every time something went wrong.

It's hard to believe we've settled into a routine now, and hours when both baby and I are crying seem to have disappeared. Now I'm not rushing to get my to do list done while she's sleeping, but we're interacting as I get my work done. I sing to her between paying bills and looking up free car insurance quotes as I try to budget for the addition to our family. I'm learning to type with her in my arms, and she watches as the words I type pop up on the screen.

I'm amazed at how interactive she has become in such a short time. My heart skips a beat every single time she returns my gaze or gives me a little smile. One question keeps lingering in the back of my head even though I already know the answer.

Why didn't we do this sooner?

Because if we'd done this sooner it wouldn't be her.

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