Post written by Robert Murgatroyd. Follow Kim and I on Twitter.
Are you able to jet off to St. Tropez at a moment’s notice while the whole financial world is crashing around you? Try not to take that question quite that literally and see if you could look beyond what could be construed as an arrogance. To ask it in a different way: Have you created some kind of business that is set up for the sole purpose of fulfilling your dreams?
What’s Your “Jet Set Life”?
Everyone has a different version of what they would consider to be their dream life. For Kim and I, it’s traveling around the world for weeks (months) at a time, creating guidebooks of the coolest spots on the planet and sharing with people. For you, it might simply be to take a few more weeks off a year, maybe just spend a bit more time with your family or maybe it is to Jet Set off for months at a time around the world! Whatever it is for you, we have to acknowledge one cold hard truth, it takes money to do it. Consistent and re-occurring moo-lah!
So Where Does The Money Come From?
So, where does the money come from and what kind of business do you create? If you’re like most people you’re probably already up to your eyeballs in work (that you don’t really love). The thought of adding one more thing to overwhelm you is not exciting. What if I told you that there is a Secret Society of people who have figured out how to do what they love to do, have the entire business on auto-pilot and generate the cash they want every month to live their version of a “Jet Set Life”?
Don’t Settle. Create The Life You Really Want!
Tony Robbins calls these guys the Masters of New Money. Kim and I simply call it having Jet Set Money. Whatever you call it, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is living the lifestyle design that you want and not settling for where you currently are. O.k., so back to my original question.
Are you able to jet set off to St. Tropez at a moment’s notice?
If the answer is no and you wish it was yes, why do you think that is? Don’t answer just yet. I want you to REALLY think about this. A few things to consider: Is it that you don’t know where to begin? Is it that you “don’t have the time”? Is it that you don’t believe it’s possible. Where are the “blocks” for you? What is it really? What’s the TRUTH!
Can We Talk?
Let’s get the conversation going. Please let me know in the comment section below what your answers to the above questions are. Let it rip! Tell me what you’re really thinking and let’s get the dialog going and shape your destiny NOW!
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