We continue our walk in the cratere of Solfatara, the sleeping volcano in Pozzuoli. Here are the previous posts about it:
How Some Trees Can Grow
Two Volcanoes Of Campania/ Italy
Healing Qualities Of Volcano Solfatara
Plants Growing In The Crater Of Solfatara
Now we will visit central part of cratere, the mud "pool" and the steam sauna.
As I said you before, there were much more places with mud and steam when I was here 13 years ago. And the soil was not so solid as today. Probably, the sysmic activity become not so dangerous. This place is made for pleasant walks today.
The central part is a not very big pool of boiling mud. There is the not very pleasant taste of sulphur in the mouth, the air is full of it. I began to have headaches.
After it you can go to the only place where the steam goes out today. It's temperature is very high, about 160°C. The place is situated near the bord of the crater. All the soil and air are too hot from here till the sauna. But you don't feel the taste of sulphur in the mouth more.
Sauna was built in the Roman times. They thought, these are the entrances in the Hell. But you have not to believe them. Those Romans had many entrances in the Hell in this zone. Virgilius wrote about the lake of Averna that is not too far from there. Do you believe that there are so many entrances in one hell? I think, it's not possible. The entrance has to be only one, I think.
Source: vacation-travel-talk.blogspot.com
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