Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Picks of the Week: War jewelry, Seychelles and Africa...

Picks of the Week: War jewelry, Seychelles and Africa...
sun behind the clouds
It has been a while since I published my "Picks" or "Links" of the week, so time to catch up:
  • And even lighter: Gado is one of the true great African cartoonists.
  • The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organisations at Harvard University now features its own blog with some in depth coverage of international justice and human rights.
  • It is great to see blogs, as a social media advocacy tool, to go mainstream. My list of nonprofit blogs became so large I could not feature them on The Road anymore, so I collected them on a Delicious bookmark list. I tagged them differently for organisations, individuals, magazines, teams and projects.
    A collection of the latest articles of these blogs, you find on nonprofitblogs.info.
  • One example of a UN agency using a blog to propagate the work they do is the UN World Food Programme's Logistics blog. UNDP does similar on their blog too.
  • During our holiday in the Seychelles, we got bedazzled by the beauty and diversity of its nature. WildLife Direct, which hosts dozens of nature conservation blogs, now features a project blog of Nature Seychelles, a local NGO. Get bedazzled too...
  • For some truly inspirational pictures, try Open Photo...
  • Something special to end: Lovetta Conto, a 16 year old war survivor combines high fashion with heartfelt compassion. She makes gorgeous jewelry from bullets used in the Liberian civil war that affected her directly and uses the profits to help rescue other displaced young people. She was a finalist for the International Children's Peace Prize, given by Desmond Tutu at the Hague in December. Check out Akawell...

More Picks of the Week on The Road.

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